Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sueno del Mar - First Aid!

19 guests left today, something I am not looking forward to is leaving...

In an effort to improve the medical care at Sueno del Mar. I met with members and guests of Sueno and worked on guidelines, skills equipment review and scenarios.

Everyone was very appreciative and it was a true learning experience for everyone.

View from building one, kayakers, the hobie and the pier.

Lunch... the first fish he caught, the chef cooked it for him. He devoured it.
The bar at the 18th latitude, all Belize hardwood.

Capt, and 1st mate of our excursion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It goes so fast doesn't it.

They used to have to take me out of the country with a drink in my hand.

The good news is that you will now have a goal. Your goal is to take your vacation and do your civic duties as long as you can. It will give you incentive to work hard andd make that money you need.

You have great memories.

Bet you want some good hardy beef though!!

Your sister